无法想象 - 1080P2160P4K高清下载 - 日韩电影 -

Posted By xiaowuliu   


◎译  名 无法想象/Impossible to Imagine

◎片  名 想像ができない

◎年  代 2019

◎产  地 日本

◎类  别 剧情/爱情

◎语  言 日语

◎字  幕 中字

◎上映日期 2019-03-23(日本)

◎IMDb评分  7.1/10 from 66 users

◎豆瓣评分 0/10 from 0 users

◎整理链接 https://www.bt-tt.com

◎片  长 90分钟

◎导  演 Felicity Tillack

◎演  员 Yukiko Ito

      William Yagi

      Kazuya Moriyama


◎简  介


  The story of a traditional Kyoto woman who runs a failing kimono business and the entrepreneurial, biracial, business consultant who comes to help keep it solvent. Along the way they fall in love, but his need for change clashes with her desire for the world to stay the same. In the end, can they change enough for each other? Set in 2018, Impossible to Imagine is a film that explores issues around identity, and how Japan is struggling to adapt and become more inclusive in the modern era even in the face of rapid depopulation. Featuring beautiful tracks from Australian/Japanese composer, Hanako Ward, and a gorgeous theme song by Jeremy Lim and Sachie Sunaga, this is a film that aims to slip into your heart, and then make you think.




剧情小语种犯罪悬疑惊悚华语家庭同性喜剧爱情动画奇幻科幻冒险灾难日韩运动4K全景声传记武侠古装动作战争歌舞情色神秘印度预告片幻想专通历史纪录片恐怖西部音乐真人秀儿童纪录短片网剧喜剧剧情都市国产剧抗战偶像电视剧艺术犯罪神秘政治罪案动作犯罪体育动物惊秫动作剧情戏曲功夫爱情剧情历世动作神秘魔幻惊险历险黑色电影传纪记录伦理浪漫荒诞生活青春校园恐怖片惊怵励志冒险片喜剧片剧情片动作片恐怖惊悚专题文艺反恐剧情,爱情警匪黑色温馨推理武术汽车剧集医务脱口秀剧情  家庭動畫动画奇幻演唱会卡通动画冒险家庭3D卡通悬疑片爱情喜剧片励志喜剧片偶像剧现实玄幻剧情喜剧犯罪犯罪西部冒险美国法国比利时浪漫愛情爆笑喜劇动作冒险犯罪剧情浪漫网络大电影神话亲情同X探险童话动漫悲剧悬念动作惊怵科幻片音乐传记玄龟同性家庭以色列德国大陆同行迪士尼暴力日本民俗侦探战争片犯罪片历史片冒险电影动画片奇幻电影武侠片惊悚片传记片爱情片古装片灾难片录片鬼怪刑侦灵异时装都市古装喜剧时装警匪古装神话时装喜剧民初伦理时装爱情时装医务剧1080p720P高清电影高清蓝光台剧日剧国剧韩剧美剧意剧德剧英剧古装剧港剧法剧惊栗记载片恋爱律政丧尸综艺吸血鬼迷你剧史诗血腥谍战幽默讽刺枪战科教動作喜劇劇情紀錄片导演余心恬余心恬余心恬韩童生探案探案探案评分人评价人评价人评价gg 
